Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of Motorcycling NSW Limited, which will be held under the conditions of the Motorcycling NSW Constitution – Annual General Meeting 11.2, at the Park Royal, (Marsden Room) 30 Phillip Street, Parramatta NSW 2150 on Wednesday 25th May 2022 at 7.00 pm.
Please see below the draft agenda for the 2022 Motorcycling NSW Limited Annual General Meeting. The final meeting agenda and other business will be distributed at least 21 days prior (Wednesday 4th May 2022).
Any additional business a Club Delegate or Life Member wishes to raise at the General Meeting and/or any Proposed Notices of Motion regarding ‘amendments’ to the Motorcycling NSW Limited Constitution (Notice of Motion Form – Attachment 1) and any agenda items must be addressed to the Motorcycling NSW CEO and be received not less than 28 days prior (Wednesday 27th April 2022).
Draft Agenda
Meeting Open 7.00pm
- Chairperson address and welcome
- Apologies
- Minutes from previous AGM (27th May 2021)
- MNSW Audited 2021 Financial Statements
- Appoint Auditor for 2022 financial year
- Affiliation fees for 2023
- Notices of Motion/Special Resolutions
- Life member nominations
Prior to the Annual General Meeting (4th May, 2022), the following will be presented to the Company’s Members:
- MNSW Annual General Meeting Final Agenda
- MNSW 2021 Annual Report
- MNSW 2021 Audited Financial Statements
- Proposed 2023 Affiliation Fees.
MNSW Board are pleased to advise that following the Annual General Meeting, a Strategic Forum will be held. This forum is the commencement of community consultation and engagement to develop the MNSW Strategic Priorities towards the development of the next Strategic Plan.
Further details will be providing in the coming weeks.
Following the resolution accepted by the General Council at the February 24th 2022 Special General Meeting, the election of Directors will not occur in 2022. Director nominations will resume as per MNSW Constitution in 2023.
Delegate Registration From
Delegates either attending in person or virtually must complete the following form by no later than 5pm Wednesday 4th May.
The online delegate registration form can be completed here: Delegate Registration Form
N.B All registered delegates will be verified by MNSW Office.
Corporations Act Change-Hybrid Meeting
Due to Permanent amendments to the Corporations Act, it now allows hybrid meetings to be held for all companies and registered schemes, effective 1 April 2022. Under the Corporations Act, a member who attends the meeting virtually is taken for all purposes to be present at the meeting.
MNSW members’ Voting rights
The following is an excerpt from the MNSW Constitution in relation to voting rights;
7.5 The voting rights of MNSW members are the following:
7.5.1 At any meeting of the MNSW general council, only club delegates and life members who personally attend any such meeting may vote. ***Note Corporations Act Above***
7.5.2 In any ballot conducted by the MNSW board under clause 13 or election by ballot conducted under clause 14, each MNSW affiliated club and life member may register one vote.
7.5.3 No other MNSW member has any voting rights under this constitution.
7.5.4 Proxies may be accepted at Special General Meetings if a poll is called.
Further to this, within MNSW Constitution section it also notes;
“7.1.3 Other affiliated individuals or entities, such as private promoters, coaches, or Social Motorcycle Clubs, are members of MNSW, but do not have voting rights at General Meetings or in elections. They may attend General Meetings and may be heard at the discretion of the Chair but may not vote or propose resolutions.”
MNSW Constitution Link:
The meeting will be held at Park Royal, (Marsden Room) 30 Phillip Street, Parramatta NSW 2150 on Wednesday 25th May 2022 at 7.00 pm.
More information about the Park Royal can be found here:
Please find the following forms attached that are to be returned to Motorcycling NSW by close of business (5.00pm AEST). If scanning and emailing, please email to
- Notices of Motion for the Annual General Meeting Form (Wednesday 27th April 2022) (Attachment 1)
- Life Member Nomination Form (Wednesday 27th April 2022) (Attachment 2)
For any questions or further clarification on any matters relating to the Annual General Meeting, please contact Motorcycling NSW CEO Daniel Rushworth via