As you would no doubt be aware, the NSW Government has increased restrictions on workplaces due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We anticipate that in the coming days these restrictions will increase.
At present the limit on outdoor gatherings is still a maximum of 500 people, so our clubs and promoters are still able to run events as long as they stay within Government guidelines and follow the NSW Health Department guidelines regarding hygiene and social distancing. At this stage the sport has not shut down, just the large events have been postponed, and some clubs have chosen to postpone events for now. We will keep you informed of any changes in that regard.
In terms of the MNSW office functions, our staff work in a sealed air-conditioned building with no indoor access to fresh air, and as such we have made the decision to close the office and work remotely for the immediate future. Our phones will be diverted to a mobile, and a staff member will try to stay on top of calls and divert them to who they need to go to, and all of our staff will still be available on their normal email addresses. So while we may not always be able to get to your query immediately, we will get to you as soon as we can.
Our central email for inquiries is This will be the best form of contact for the MNSW admin team for now.
Hopefully this will all end soon, and we can get back to doing what we love. But in the meantime, let’s all stay healthy, look after each other, and look forward to the amazing riding that lays ahead of us once this is all over.
Yours in motorcycling
Dave Cooke