As you are all aware the COVID-19 pandemic is having an increasingly significant impact on the global community and is a rapidly evolving issue. Motorcycling NSW has worked (and continues to work) closely with the Office of Sport and NSW Health to keep our clubs and members up to date on the status of the virus, and its effect on our sport.
Due to the recent Government restrictions placed on our sport, the MNSW Board is seriously looking at the current MNSW Organisational structure, so that we can continue to ensure membership efficiency through this uncertain time. The Board has decided to streamline the workforce during the shutdown period to develop:
- A cost structure that represents the current needs of the business
- A more flexible and agile team to adapt to unforeseen circumstances in the future
- Stronger partnerships with our clubs
- More effective Operating Processes and procedures
More effective corporate Governance and Risk Policies
Due to the restructuring of the organisation, the positions of CEO and Office Manager have been made redundant. The remaining MNSW staff will continue to work during this period to ensure that motorcycle activities can recommence as soon as possible, and together we can work with our clubs and members to rebuild our sport bigger and better than before.
We understand that these changes will come as a shock to our members as both David Cooke and Amy Knop have made major contributions to our organisation and the sport in general over the past few years which has helped to ensure MNSW is in a position to come through the current COVID-19 epidemic.
Our main priority, as a Board, is to continue to work with and assist our clubs to make sure they are in the best position possible to reopen and commence business once the shutdown is lifted.
This will be a difficult time, and we ask you all to be patient and stay safe. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact the board via the email address.
MNSW Board of Directors