With the worsening COVID-19 virus (commonly known as Coronavirus) including increasing governmental imposed restrictions on travel, mass gatherings and social distancing in Australia, Motorcycling Australia (MA) and the State Controlling Bodies (SCB’s) have made the very difficult decision to postpone and in some cases cancel all National and State Championship events until the end of May.
With the ever-changing situation regarding COVID-19, MA will continue to provide frequent updates to our members regarding events following the latest information and advice we receive from both the State and Federal Governments.
These cancellations do not affect club and recreational activity which meet the Federal and State Government regulations.
We will work closely with event organisers to reschedule as many events as possible, and ensure they understand and are fully aware of Government regulations that should be put in place at their events.
The staff at your State Controlling Body (SCB) are happy to answer any questions you may have.
The current situation we face as a community is unprecedented, however MA and all SCBs are working closely together and exploring all options on events, memberships, licenses and schedules, and we ask all members to be patient until the full extent of this crisis is known. In these difficult times its important that the racing community unite and work together to enable the sport to survive.
All MA members, officials and spectators are urged to follow the Government’s guidelines on how best to protect yourself from the virus and practice good hygiene methods, whether at the track, at home or anywhere else in public.
Further information can be found at;
AIS COVID-19 and Sporting Activity
The Department of Health COVID – 19 health alert
Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for public gatherings and visits to vulnerable groups
MA will continue to provide constant updates on the status for MA National events. For updates on any State Championship or Club events please contact the State Controlling Body (SCB) in that area.
For more information –
Phone: (02) 8378 0790
Email: mnsw@motorcycling.com.au
Web: www.motorcycling.com.au