To all clubs and members,
Due to no nominations being received in the most recent advertised period, we are now extending the nomination period for MNSW Directors until the 1st May 2020.
A copy of the nomination form has been sent to all clubs for interested members. If you have not received this from your club, you can contact the MNSW office and we will email one to you.
Our Board is responsible for the governance of the company, and working with the MNSW staff to develop strategies for the future of the company. The Board is not responsible for issues in the sport such as rule changes and other sport specific matters. Those responsibilities lie elsewhere.
Our board will benefit from candidates who have an understanding of corporate governance, risk management, corporate structure and strategy, financial oversight, human resources, and have an interest in helping to develop a strategy for growth.
We would encourage anyone who believes they have the skills and experience to fill a role on our Board or our committees to apply. Feel free to contact the office for more information.
Yours in Motorcycling,
MNSW Board of Directors